In .NET, executing a parameterized stored procedure using ODBC Provider is different from executing the procedure using SQL or OLE DB Provider. ODBC provider processes parameters by ordinal position (zero-based) and not by name. We should use the ODBC CALL syntax instead of using just the stored procedure name.
Happy Coding 😊!!
{Call <ProcedureName>}The above syntax calls a procedure which doesn't require any parameters.
OdbcCommand ODBCCommand = new OdbcCommand("{call GetUsers}", ODBCConnection); ODBCCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;For calling a procedure which accepts one parameter the syntax will be
{CALL <ProcedureName> (?)}
OdbcCommand ODBCCommand = new OdbcCommand("{call GetUser(?)}", ODBCConnection); ODBCCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; ODBCCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userId", 1234);
Following is the syntax for a procedure that return value. The first placeholder represents the return value
{? = CALL <ProcedureName> (?, ?)
Happy Coding 😊!!
what happens if your stored procedure return several values